Do you remember where you were when Princess Diana died? When humans first landed on the moon? What you were doing on 9/11? Chances are you can recall exactly and in some detail. And if you are a woman, I guarantee you also remember every circumstance of your menarche*. A girl’s first period is a […]
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What do do when your tween makes mistakes
We’ve had a lot going on in our tween house over the past few weeks and the only thing that I know for sure is this: I don’t believe in letting mistakes overwhelm us, because mistakes makes us who we are. My tween is pretty bloody amazing. She blows my mind with her quick wit […]

A letter to the stranger in my house
Dear Stranger, It’s hard to write this, because I’m going to be blunt, but things used to be much nicer before you moved in. There used to be a balance in the way the different personalities in our house worked together and the three of us knew when to be together, but more importantly when to leave […]

Give your tween space and let them learn things for themselves
There are times that I try to connect with my tween, but her headspace is somewhere on a planet far, far away. She’s not interested in engaging with someone in the same room, let alone her *insert dramatic eye roll* mother! And do you know what I do? I leave her be. Sometimes she needs […]

My tween is now a vegetarian
Seven months ago my tween announced she was vegetarian. I had two choices – support her decision or make a joke of it in the hope she would ‘grow out of this phase’. I chose the former. It seems the tween years are fraught with ginormous decisions by little humans. It doesn’t feel like they’re […]